Good evening,ladies and gentlemen.
Before my speech,Id like to show my gratitude to the service and sacrifice of English Union. Thank you for offering me such a fabulous opportunity to exchange with other English lovers. My name is Yang Longbo,a boy majoring in Automation in Changan University. My favorite motto is “Follow your heart”.
Former CEO of Apple Steve Jobs once said," If you live each day as if it were the last,youll certainly be right.",which made a deep impression on me. He has used his life to prove the truth of this saying. Realizing that our time is limited has helped him make considerable difficult choices in life. Because almost everything-all expectations,all pride,all fear of embarrassment and failure-will run away in the face of death,leaving only what is truly important.
Dont let your inner voice be overwhelmed by the noise of others opinions. What is most important is having the courage to follow your own heart and intuition. Somehow they already know what you truly want to become. Live everyday as if it were the last of your life and make your life better.
Good afternoon,teachers! My name is x. Im 11. I come from Class1 Grade 5 of TongPu No.2 Primary School.
There are 4 people in my family. My father is tall. My mother is sister has a long hair. And Im a good student. However,my home is near the school,I often get up early. Because I must work hard. after school,I like playing computer games and reading books.
Id like to eat apples. They are sweet and healthy. And I like Tuesday best. We have English,music,computer and P.E. on Tuesdays. My math teacher is Miss Huang. Her class is so much fun. So my favourite class is math. And I like Chinese and English,too. This is me. An active girl. Please remember XuLulu. Thank you very much!
Hello! My name is Martin. I am a boy. I am 9years old. I am in Class 8, Grade 3. I am tall and thin.
I like playing soccer ball and basketball. I like toeat hot dogs and hamburgers,I am friendly. I have many friends. Do you wantto make friends with me?
Good morning.Ladies and gentlemen:
My name is Wangqi.I’m 13 years old.
I’m a little fish in Class 5 Grade 5.Every fish has an English name.I’m fish Mary.We are going to the sea with our fish mother---Miss Li.
Today I want to talk about an animal.It has only two colours.Do you know?Yeah,it is the panda.I love panda very much.
They are China’s National Treasure.They live in the southwest of China.A panda has black and white fur,big eyes and round ears.They are a little fat but move quickly.
They like climbing the trees and swimming in the rivers.
Everybody thinks they are cute.I like to eat chicken but pandas like to eat bamboo.Most of the pandas can live to 20 to 25 years.
Thanks for listening.
Hello!My name is Amy .I am fourteenth years old .
I have a big family ,my father .my mother .threen sister and me .My good frieds is Lan jie .We in Class Two Grande Seven .I like playing basketball,read boook?and my good friend like drawing .This is me.would you like to make frieds with me ?